Var ute på en lunchutflykt till Mellbystrand men det var lite väl kallt. Dock alltid lika mysigt med havet!
Nu ska jag på Yoga och senare blir det TV-söndag med både Amazing race och Solsidan. Härligt!!
Förresten - the Moneker och Linda Varga till final från andra chansen?? Såg inte programmet igår och blev CHOCKAD när jag läste tidningen idag... Vad har hänt med Sverige?? Nu håller jag tummarna för Nicke Borg och Danny i finalen!
Oh - can't believe how positive I am - almost surprise myself. it´s so different but I do welcome this energy I have got!
We were having lunch in Mellystrand today, but it was a little too cold. However, always nice with the ocean!
Now I am on way way to Yoga class, and later we will have a nice TV-night with both America Amazing race, and swedish "Solsidan" - best TV show ever!
By the way - the Moneker and Linda Varga to the finals from the second chance in Melodifestivalen? Did not see the program yesterday and was shocked when I read the newspaper today ...What is happening? Now I keep my fingers crossed for Nicke Borg and Danny in the finals!
We were having lunch in Mellystrand today, but it was a little too cold. However, always nice with the ocean!
Now I am on way way to Yoga class, and later we will have a nice TV-night with both America Amazing race, and swedish "Solsidan" - best TV show ever!
By the way - the Moneker and Linda Varga to the finals from the second chance in Melodifestivalen? Did not see the program yesterday and was shocked when I read the newspaper today ...What is happening? Now I keep my fingers crossed for Nicke Borg and Danny in the finals!
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